Preço normal
R$ 305.00 BRL
Preço de venda
R$ 305.00 BRL

We present to your attention SHACK is one of the private cheats created for PUBG with minimal chance of detection. Spoofer included in the cheat.
Compatible Processors : Intel and AMD are supported, providing broad compatibility with CPUs.
Compatible Operating Systems : Windows 10 and Windows 11 are supported.
Functions :
- Names : Displays player names.
- Health : Shows players' health.
- Distance : Indicates the distance to the objects.
- Line distance : Displays the straight line distance.
- Boxes : Displays boxes around players.
- Skeleton : Shows the players' skeleton.
- Kills : Displays the number of kills.
- Spectors : Shows spectators.
- Visible check : Checks if players are visible.
- Show team : Displays the players' team.
Player Filter :
- Maximum Distance : Sets the maximum distance.
- Colors of each ESP : Customizes the colors for each function.
- Font Color : Sets the font color.
- Esp font size : Sets the font size.
Items :
- Item Name : Displays the name of the items.
- Distance from the item : Indicates the distance to the item.
Item Filter :
- Item Class : Sorts items into categories such as weapons, attachments, bullets, armor, health, grenades, loot, airdrop and others.
- Maximum item distance : Sets the maximum distance for items.
- Font Color : Sets the font color.
- Esp font size : Sets the font size.
- Color filter based on category : Filters by item category.
Misc :
- Radar : Activates the radar.
- Spectators : Shows spectators.
- Hotkeys : Define hotkeys.
- Disable Screenshot Protection : Disables screen capture protection.
- Anticheat Check : Checks compatibility with anticheat systems.
- Vehicles : Displays vehicles.
- AirDrop : Shows airdrops.
- Player DeathLoot : Displays loot upon player death.
- FPS : Displays the frame rate per second.
- Crosshair : Displays a crosshair.
aimbot :
- Prediction : Activates aiming prediction.
- No Sway : Removes sway from the crosshair.
- No recoil : Eliminates the weapon's recoil.
- Visible Check : Checks if the target is visible.
- Aim Target (Head, Neck & Chest) : Chooses targets on the head, neck or chest.
- FOV (1-300) : Sets the field of view.
- Distance Aim (10-1000m) : Sets the aiming distance.
- Smooth (1-100) : Adjusts the smoothness of the aim.
- Aimbot filter : Filters targets.
- Aimbot Bone : Chooses the aiming bone.
- Aimbot Key : Sets the activation key.
Anti-Cheat Support :
- BattleEye : Compatibility with the BattleEye anti-cheat system.
- Xenuine : Compatibility with the Xenuine anti-cheat system.
- XignCode : Compatibility with the XignCode anti-cheat system.
- ScreenShot Function : Screen capture function.
- Stream Proof : Security proof for transmissions.
- Spoof included : For you to unban the game, if necessary.